About Me

I am a passionate and dedicated full-stack developer currently on an exciting journey of mastering the intricacies of web development.
As a recent graduate pursuing a comprehensive full-stack development course, I have honed my skills in a range of technologies, enabling me to create dynamic and efficient web solutions. My portfolio serves as a testament to my commitment and proficiency in the world of full-stack development. Here, you will find a showcase of projects that demonstrate my hands-on experience with various programming languages, frameworks, and tools. From front-end design to back-end functionality, each project reflects my dedication to delivering high-quality, user-centric solutions. I invite you to explore my work, delve into the details of the technologies I've utilized, and witness the results of my passion for creating seamless and innovative web applications.
Thank you for visiting, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to the ever-evolving field of full-stack development.


Sql Java SpringBoot Bootstrap HTML CSS Javascript MongoDB Node.Js Angular



It is a console based porject application where the user can book complete tour along with registreration .


It is a Html Css Webpage


It is a simple Calculator where user can perform different mathametical calculations.

Registeration MVC

It is a SpringBoot MVC application where user can register & the data can be seen at the backend.

Employee Curd

In this project i have performed Curd opertion along with MVC


Get In Touch





Hello I'm

Prasanna Kapse

Full-Stack Developer

       Aspiring Full Stack Developer embarking on an exciting journey to master the intricacies of web development. Currently immersed in a comprehensive Full Stack Development course,
I'm passionately honing my skills in both front-end and back-end technologies. Eager to tackle challenges, innovate, and contribute meaningfully to the ever-evolving tech landscape.
With a fervent desire to create impactful digital experiences, I'm poised to make waves in the world of software development.

Projects SpringBoot Registeration MVC GlobeSight Console Application Spring MVC Crud GlobeSight Webpage Calculator
Programming Languages
Java Html Css Javascript
Frame Work
SpringBoot BootStrap
MySql MongoDb Xampp
Get in Touch Contact Me
email image kapse.prasanna10@gmail.com phone image  +91 9860559182
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